‘Power, pain and Pleasure-your normal neighbours might be getting up to more than you think’ was the tagline.
So awhile before that I did a photo shoot with two of my good friends, Mistress Imperia and Luke from Soul Focus Studio. We latexed up to our eyeballs, went to our local dungeon and bounced around while having a good laugh. I little while late Miss Dee from Uber called us and asked if she could use some of the pictures for a press article. Sure, we said and didn’t think any more about it.
Until early one morning that is.
So about 7am I start getting text messages and facebook messages from friends asking if I had seen the article in the SMH and The Age this morning? Ummmm, nooooooo, why? Oh my goodness, there was my shiny butt plastered all over it!
So here is a little screenshot of what it was about -Fetish is normal!