Mistress Serena and booking sessions….


A big thank you to all those that have contacted me in the past week.

I even received an email from a slave that is living in the French Alps of all places (lucky slave) Here is a little sample, how sweet!

“I have just seen your website on ‘seriousmistresses.com.’ Wow! That certainly brought back ingrained memories of my very first visit to SK when I had the pleasure (and some considerable pain!) to session with you. 

I was pretty new to it all when we met so found the experience incredibly intense and still remember many details after all these years. (Indeed I had to ‘mercy’ at one point.) It was a wonderful introduction to serious BDSM which will live with me forever and has changed my life.”

A few tips about contacting me-please make sure you read this site thoroughly, not just look at the pretty pictures 🙂  Especially the Session and Booking sections.  And please unblock your phone number before calling too.  If you are a beginner I am very happy to see you, as everyone has to start from somewhere right?  For more experienced players please have a shortlist that we can chat about.  If you call in the morning I can hopefully find time to see you that day, but you’ll have more luck with advance notice.

Serena xx




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